Monday, April 23, 2007

Should Liberals Fear Federalism?

Lynn A. Baker (Texas), Should Liberals Fear Federalism?, 70 U. Cin. L. Rev. 433 (2002)

Liberals should favor judicial enforcement of states' rights. Two functions: provides "outlier" or "minority" states protection from homogenization (see Raich); mediates the tensions between different individual rights. Thus, judicial enforcement increases diversity, and thus increases aggregate social welfare (there's a missing step there - how does diversity automatically mean better social welfare?).

Gives three reasons why the federalism revolution suffers from an image problem: relations to liberal diversity values isn't understood; historical linkage of states' rights to slavery obscures the issue; and the recent configuration of political forces isn't viewed in historical context.

Not of too much value, I guess, though perhaps as a counterpoint to things like Rubenfeld, i.e. "Not everyone thinks the revolution is bad for liberal values."

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